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淼焱 正升重工 欧版颚式破碎机


淼焱 正升重工 欧版颚式破碎机

发布日期: 2016-03-28
所在地: 河南郑州
关键词: 颚式破碎机 碎石机 

淼焱 正升重工 欧版颚式破碎机[详细信息]

ZSC系列鄂式破碎机 采用国际先进技术的欧版模块颚式破碎机已经无可争议的成为世界上较受青睐的颚式破碎机。当要求高效地对坚硬、强磨蚀性物料进行粗碎时,ZSC系列颚式破碎机则代表了先进的破碎技术和制造水平。ZSC系列颚式破碎机均采用创新的模块化、无焊接框架结构,因而赋予设备较大的抗疲劳性、优质的可靠性和多种安装方式。再结合高质量的铸钢组件和一流的球型滚动轴承,就充分地保证了破碎作业的高产、高效和低成本。 C series crusher has indisputably become the world\'s most popular jaw crusher,which adopts international advanced technology.When asked to efficiently to crushing hard, strong abrasive materials, C series jaw crusher represents the most advanced crushing technology and manufacturing level.C series jaw crusher adopts the modular innovation, no-welding frame structure, which gives the maximum fatigue resistance, best reliability and a variety of installations.And coupled with high quality of the cast steel components and spherical roller bearing,it will fully ensure the crushing operation to high yield, high efficiency and low cost. 产品优势: Advantages 模块式、无焊接框架结构 Modular, no-welding frame structure 动鄂总成经久耐用 Motive jaw wear well 整体铸钢轴承箱 The whole cast steel bearing housing 可修复的破碎机机架 Crusher frame of repairable 恰到好处的腔型设计 Just the right type of cavity design 高效的运动学性能和强劲的动力 Efficient kinematics performance and strong power 为特定应用提供合适的鄂板 Provide appropriate jaw board for the specific application 每一个设计兼顾稳定耐用的前提下,大幅度降低运营成本 With the premise of both stable and durable every designs reduce operating costs. 技术参数 Technical parameters C80 C96 C100 C110 C125 电机功率 Power (kw) 75 90 110 160 160 机器自重/含选装 Weight/with optional (kg) 7670/9520 9759/11870 20060/23300 25800/29500 37970/43910 尺寸 Dimension (mm) 2577*1526* 1990 2880*1755* 1610 3670*2420* 2890 3770*2385* 2890 4100*2800* 3440 给料口宽度 Feeding mouth width (mm) 800 930 1000 1100 1250 给料口深度 Feeding mouth depth (mm) 510 580 760 850 950 转速 RPM (rpm) 350 330 260 230 220 出料产品尺寸/紧边排料口 Discharge/Tension side discharge mouth (mm) 吨/每小时 (t/h) 0-60 40 65-85 0-75 50 80-95 0-90 60 95-125 120-155 0-105 70 115-150 140-180 150-210 190-250 0-120 80 130-170 160-210 170-225 210-275 0-135 90 150-195 180-235 190-245 235-305 0-150 100 165-215 200-260 215-280 255-330 290-380 0-185 125 210-275 250-325 265-345 310-405 350-455 0-225 150 250-325 300-390 315-410 370-480 410-535 0-260 175 290-380 350-455 370-480 425-550 470-610 0-300 200 420-545 480-625 530-690 0-340 225 590-770 0-375 250 650-845

联系人: 孟经理
联系电话: 086-0371-64696555
手机: 13503861355
传真: 086-0371-64969111
联系地址: 郑州市荥阳市郑源路中段
电子邮箱: 3299483392@qq.com
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