我厂产品包括JK/JM0.5吨-JK/JM30吨卷扬机、20吨大型卷扬机、提升绞车、稳车、JZQ250-1000型减速机、PC行走平车 、矿用提升绞车、QCM型龙门吊机及其它路面施工辅助设备、多款卷扬机型号。产品结构紧凑 、性能稳定、供货及时。“质量求生存、创新求发展、诚信为本、卓越服务”的企业文化理念,与广大客户真诚合作,携手并进 ,共创辉煌的明天。
Pingyang Construction machinery factory in Zhejiang Province has founded for over 20 years, is expert in windlass manufacture. The major products include the machinery equipments, such as: slow-motion windlass, quick-motion windlass, adjusting speed windlass including JKM series (0.5T-30T) winch, JZQ250-1000 series decelerator, straddly truck, QCM series portal crane and other subsidiary equipment for road construction, and for mining industry purpose shaft sinking winch, two speed pedestal capstan, etc. Meanwhile, we also undertake Non-standard windlass manufacture. Our products are always compact structure, stable performance and timely supplying.